Mind-Body Tips & Tricks

Top 5 Exercises for Mental Health Jul 21, 2023

While we know that exercise can boost our physical health, many people do not realize the immense...

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What is Somatic Therapy? Jul 16, 2023

Somatic therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the connection between the mind and body to...

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5 Tips to Improve Your Meditation Practice Jul 10, 2023

For many meditation beginners, it can be difficult to maintain a regular practice. Our minds may...

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Finding a Therapist: Best Ways to Find Professional Help Jul 03, 2023

Finding a therapist may be a stressful or daunting task for some. With a wide range of options...

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5 Benefits of Yoga You Need to Know Jun 23, 2023

For many, the thought of regularly practicing yoga can be intimidating. You may be worried about...

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A New POV of Pharmacy: Seeing the Big Picture Jul 06, 2022

My name is Tori Zambito, and I am a pharmacist. This means my expertise is in addressing ...

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Twelve Mood-Boosting Foods that Won’t Break the Bank Jun 17, 2022

By: Annette-Mai White @striveoverstress

Recently, Movement Genius hosted a special class led...

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Are Affirmations the Missing Key to Your Mental Health? Jun 15, 2022

Affirmations, or positive self-talk, are brief phrases or statements intentionally designed to...

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