Intro to Jiu-Jitsu
Mar 01, 2022
Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that originated in Japan and is becoming increasingly more popular in the West, especially for self-defense and empowerment purposes. Although ideally trained in pairs or groups, in this class, Anna Pirkl, LMFT and Dr. Jamie Marich will lead you through several solo jiu-jitsu fundamentals that will give you an introduction to some of the key components of jiu-jitsu philosophy and practice.
The authors of the book Transforming Trauma with Jiu-Jitsu, Anna and Jamie will go through many different modifications so that all bodies and all levels of experience can benefit.
We understand that martial arts can have a scary connotation that comes with fighting and violence; we encourage you to come with an open-mind and an open-heart and learn how many folks have been touched by the healing power of this very special martial art.
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