5 Benefits of Yoga You Need to Know

wellness tips Jun 23, 2023

For many, the thought of regularly practicing yoga can be intimidating. You may be worried about the time commitment or the difficulty of first getting started. Don’t worry, many people feel this way. However, I’m here to tell you that yoga is for EVERYONE. Whether you’re a busy work-a-holic, a stay-at-home mom, or a stressed out college student. The best thing about yoga is that it is made to meet you where you’re at. Only have 5 minutes today? That’s perfectly fine! Haven’t moved your body in a while? No worries, there are plenty of yoga practices for beginners. If you’re still unsure that yoga is for you, here are 5 major benefits of yoga.

1.) Reduces Stress and Improves Mental Health

Yoga is a form of mind-body connection, which means it not only has physical benefits, but it has mental benefits as well. It can help regulate the body's stress response system, lower cortisol levels, and increase levels of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Yoga can also promote relaxation and mindfulness, which can help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being.

2.) Increases Flexibility, Strength, and Balance

Another benefit of yoga is that it increases flexibility by stretching muscles and joints, as well as improves strength through holding and transitioning between poses. In addition, yoga enhances balance by focusing on body alignment and centering. These skills then translate into your everyday life to make your body better able to support you.

3.) Improves Heart Health and Immune System Function

A regular yoga practice can improve heart health by reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood cholesterol, and improving circulation. In a study reviewing the relationship between yoga and cardiovascular disease, participants of all ages and health conditions participated in different types of yoga (slow and energetic). Afterwards, multiple health factors were recorded. Just from practicing yoga, participants saw an average of 5 points shaved off of their blood pressure!

It can also boost the immune system by reducing inflammation as well as lowering stress hormones that affect the immune system.

4.) Helps to Manage Chronic Pain and Improves Sleep Quality

Yoga, and more specifically gentle yoga, can help with arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions that individuals face. Included in this pain relief is inflammation, as well as an increased range of motion and mobility. As for sleep quality, in a national survey over 55% of people who did yoga found that it helped them sleep better. Right before bed, choose a few yoga poses to hold for 3-5 minutes each. Make sure you are focusing on your breathing as you move through these moves.

5.) Boosts Your Energy

Yoga helps boost energy by increasing blood flow, improving breathing, and reducing stress levels, which can all lead to increased physical and mental vitality. You may also feel a boost in alertness and enthusiasm, and fewer negative feelings after getting into a routine of practicing yoga.


These benefits of yoga are just a few of the reasons why you may want to start your yoga practice. If you don’t know where to start, Movement Genius has multiple yoga videos for you to checkout, which include adaptive yoga with Rodrigo! 

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